Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Waiting On God

There's a song that we sing at our church entitled "I Don't Mind Waiting" That's pretty much all there is to the song..I don't mind waiting, I don't mind waiting, I don't mind waiting on The Lord. It's one of my favorite songs and I sing it with such passion that if you saw me, you'd say, "Now she really doesn't mind waiting on God" Now if I'm honest with you and myself, I'll have to admit, there have been times when I've been impatient and I went ahead of God, and I can tell you from experience, that's not a good situation.

Why should we try and get ahead of the one who knows our future? He knows our beginning from our end. He knows what's around every corner and every obstacle that may be standing in our way. When we allow God to go before us, he makes our crooked places straight, he leads us and guides us in the direction that he would have us to go.

I use to think I was missing out on things "Waiting On God"; that life was passing me by..I'd have my own little pity party..You know what I mean..."Lord, I'm still not married,....I thought I'd be further along in life, I'm getting older and I haven't done this, I thought I'd be at this level by now..blah, blah, blah and then God spoke to me through a poem he gave me to pen...It explained to me that by "Waiting On God" I wasn't missing fact, I was exactly where he wanted me; but most importantly, he revealed to me all that he was doing, while I was waiting...

Be Blessed Today

Alecia (AKA Destahnee)


While I was waiting, at times all alone
The Lord spoke to me in his fatherly tone:

"Be Patient my child, hold fast to the plan
I know times are tough, but you just got to stand.

While I was waiting things seemed so unclear
Which way should I go? I was wrestling with fear.

While I was waiting, I heard the Lord say:
"Stay close by my side and I'll show you the way"

While I was waiting, a work had begun to put
me in a race, I had already won.

While I was waiting I spun on the wheel, being
molded and shaped, then broken and healed.

While I was waiting, I sent Judah first, though
at times in my life, the situation got worse.


I was making a way, I was calming your seas,
I was digging up weeds, I was pulling up tares,
I removed stumbling blocks of which you weren't aware.
I was opening doors, I was tearing down walls.
I cut off relationships that could cause you to fall.
I was drawing you near, I was pulling you close,
I was saturating your life with the "Holy Ghost"
I was giving you wisdom and planting a seed
Revelation Knowledge, I imparted indeed.
I was equipping you for the journey ahead.
I breathed life into dreams that you thought were dead

While you were waiting, I was preparing you, to do
the work I called you to.

Now Is The Time; The Waiting Is Done;

Remember the words that were spoke by my son:

" Go Ye Therefore, and teach all nations"

Silence the groans heard throughout all creation.

While I Was Waiting..............

Written By

Alecia Bridges