Thursday, January 28, 2010

Letting Go

The other day my Bishop said that "Our Success is Predicated On Who We Let In And Who We Let Out Of Our Lives." As I began to think on this statement, I thought about the people by whom I am surrounded. I'm a pretty private person and there are not a lot of people in my circle so I thought "Well, I'm pretty much on top of this one" But the words stayed in my spirit and I've just been listening to see what The Holy Spirit was saying.

As I began typing this note, I started thinking about my everyday life, the people I come in contact with, the television shows I watch...that sort of thing and I realized The Holy Spirit was saying that my circle was larger than I imagined it to be. I originally took the statement at face value and because I'm careful about who gets close to me on a personal level, I just nodded my head in agreement. I wasn't thinking about the people that I allowed in my life via the televison, radio, books etc.

In this "New Year" I'm taking time to inventory my life. I'm asking myself, if there are some people/things that I need to let out so that I can make room for new people/things that need to come into my life.

Letting go can be hard, but we (you and I) have to realize that every one can't go where God is taking us. In the bible when God told Abraham to get thee out of his country and away from his kinfolk, Abraham took his nephew Lot with him. Lot was not ordained to go with Abraham, but I think that Abraham wanted to hold on to something that was familar to him. We can sometimes be the same way. When God begins to deal with us in certain area's and perhaps start cutting off people, and isolating us, because he's about to take us to another level, we try to hold on to stuff that God is telling us to let go.

It is only when we let go, that God can truly bless us: And the LORD said unto Abram, after that Lot was separated from him, Lift up now thine eyes, and look from the place where thou art northward, and southward, and eastward, and westward: For all the land which thou seest, to thee will I give it, and to thy seed for ever. And I will make thy seed as the dust of the earth: so that if a man can number the dust of the earth, then shall thy seed also be numbered.(Gen.13:14-16)

Be Blessed Today!

Alecia (AKA Destahnee)


  1. Hello Alecia I enjoyed this post. You are such a anoited writer, it is helping me in ways you could not possiblly know. Thanks again for being such an inspiration and keep letting God use you.
    Tonya Pinkney

  2. Thank You Tonya! I'm glad you're being blessed by these post. My prayer is that "The Holy Spirit" will lead the right people here and that he will speak to them through me when they get here.
