Friday, September 17, 2010

Let The Lord Lift Your Head!

I've been under a little stress lately with the day to day of life. Finances out of wack, bills, you know the drill..As I was driving into work this morning, I was talking to the Lord about how I needed a break and a release from some of the pressure. Mid way through the conversation, King David's words began to echo through my mind. "But Thou Oh Lord Art A Shield For Me/ My Glory And The Lifter Up Of My Head"(Psalms 3:3)

King David wrote this Psalms during a difficult time in his life. He was being chased by his own son Absolom who wanted to overthrow David (his father) as King. Can you imagine the stress that David must have been under? In the midst of everything that was going on with David..he remembered that God was his "Shield" & "The Lifter of His Head"

A "Shield" is something that protects you against "hurled or thrusted" weapons. Life will always throw something at you...somethings will be expected & some unexpected. Regardless of what life throws your way, remember that you have a "Shield of Protection" and his name is JESUS!

When you commune with God..he teaches you to listen for his still small voice..I heard his voice this morning and I'm so glad I did. My problems are still here & life will continue to hurl things at me..But I will lift up my "Shield of Protection" with "Praise & Worship" & when I do..he will lift my head far above my circumstances and give me peace!

Be Blessed Today

Alecia (AKA Destahnee)

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